2021 Summer Library Program
Register for the Summer Reading Program by scanning the QR code or go to littlechutelibrary.beanstack.org or at the Little Chute Library.
For the best summer experience, we recommend you register at littlechutelibrary.beanstack.org and request the physical summer gameboard from staff. (physical gameboard optional)
How to do the reading program:
1.) Look at the game tiles on your physical summer gameboard and/or the badges online.
2.) Read thirty minutes or do the specific summer activity.
3.) Check Off the box on the online badge and/or make the move on your gameboard after you have read thirty minutes or done the specific summer activity.
4.) Repeat until you’ve finished the challenge.
5.) Win cool prizes!
Note: If you are doing the physical game ONLY you will need to bring your gameboard in for library staff to update your progress!